Title: Leek and Parnsip Mash
Description: I got this recipe from a cookbook magazine in England a few years ago, and started featuring it for our Christmas meals. Although I really like parsnips, I only think to use them at Christmas. My Mum used to roast them with the potatoes and that is still good. However, this is just a bit different. Hope you like it, not hard to do, can be made ahead and makes a change.
Serves: 6 servings
1½ lb cleaned and sliced Leeks. 1 cup milk. 1½ lb peeled and quartered parsnips. 6 Tbsp chopped parsley. 2 garlic cloves, peeled. 6 Tbsp grated Parmesan cheese.
Put the leeks, parsnips and garlic in a pan of cold salted water, bring to the boil reduce heat and simmer 15-20 minutes, drain, return to the pan and dry off over low heat 3-4 minutes. Heat the milk, and put in a food processor with the leeks, parsnips, chopped parsley, 5 Tbsp pf the Parmesan cheese, and whiz until just smooth, don’t over do it. Put the mash into an ovenproof dish, and sprinkle with the remaining cheese. Serve hot.