Title: Leek Pie
Description: I thought I would feature a Welsh dish this month in honour of St. David’s Day on the 1st. Wales is such a pretty spot, with many striking areas and castles. Since the leek is the national emblem, here is my version of Leek Pie, which is traditionally served on St. David’s’ Day.
Serves: 4-6
2 cups all purpose flour. ½ lb lean bacon. Danish or Irish if you can get it. ¾ cup shortening. ¾ cup whipping cream. 1 tsp salt 3 beaten eggs. 1/3 cup chilled water salt and pepper. 2/3 cup cleaned and chopped leeks. ½ tsp nutmeg.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Make pastry: Cut shortening into flour and salt, mix in water and make into a soft dough. Roll out and fit into a greased pie dish. Mix remaining ingredients and pour into prepared pastry shell. Bake 30-40 minutes.