Title: Coronation Chicken
Description: We celebrate our Majesty’s official 80th birthday this month, and I thought it would be appropriate to feature Coronation chicken. My recipe is based on the original recipe for her coronation; because the service was so long, halfway through the ceremony the Queen and her attendants went to the back of Westminster Abbey and noshed on this dish!
4 lb chicken. 1 medium onion. 2 whole cloves. 1 carrot. 1 stalk of celery. Salt and pepper. 1 bay leaf. 2 Tbsp. olive oil. 1 medium onion. 1 Tbs. curry powder. 2 Tbsp. tomato paste. 1 ½ cup red wine. 1 Bay leaf. 3 Tbsp apricot jam. 1 ¼ cup mayonnaise. ½ cup heavy whipping cream.
1. Peel the first onion, cut in half and stick with the whole cloves.
2. Peel and chop carrot and celery roughly.
3. Place in a large heavy pan, top with chicken pieces and bay leaf, and top with water.
4. Cover and bring to a boil, lower heat and simmer gently about 1 hour or until chicken is cooked through.
5. Remove chicken, strain the vegetables and bay leaf, and simmer the remaining stock until it reduces to about half a cup.
6. While this is cooking, remove the skin and bones from the chicken and cut into small pieces.
7. Whip cream and set aside.
To make the sauce:
1. Peel and chop the second onion finely, put into a pan with the olive oil and sauté until golden brown.
2. Add curry, tomato puree, apricot jam, second bay leaf, wine*, and simmer about 10 minutes.
3. Remove from heat, cool; and remove bay leaf.
4. Mix reduced stock into the mayonnaise, add and mix in the onion sauce, fold in the whipped cream and mix well.
5. Fold in the chicken pieces until well blended.
6. Chill and serve cold. *(Can substitute chicken stock)